Patch test is very important when choosing a skin care product. Patch test is a method to check the reaction by applying a product on a very small part of the skin.

Whenever you want to try a new skin care product, do a patch test before the method described here. So that it can be easily known whether this product is right for your skin or not (Skin Care Patch Test). Because often our skin allergies, acne, eczema, dryness or itching are associated with our skin care products.

To avoid this problem, it is important that you use patch test and you must know the correct method of doing this test. Here we have brought you the skin patch test technique suggested by Skin Experts, in which it is also told that how many hours after trying a new product you should wait for skin feedback ...

Skin reacts in such hours

- Usually when we do a patch test, we wait 10 to 15 minutes after the use of any product on the skin and in that time we decide whether we should use this product or not. While this is not the correct method of patch test.

-Skin Experts say that you should wait at least 48 hours to take a patch test of any product. And if this product does not suit your skin, then your skin can react for about 96 hours. So follow this method during patch test…

Method of patch test

First of all, take the product that you want to know the effect on your skin. It can be any cream, lotion, scrub, face mask, anything. Now take a little bit of material from it and apply it on the inside of your wrist. If it is a cream, then leave it on your skin for 48 hours.

-If meanwhile it gets removed from the skin during hand washing and bathing, you can apply it again. If during this time of 48 hours i.e. two days, any kind of irritation, scar or itching problem on the inner skin of your wrist.

In this case, this product is completely safe.

-If there is no problem on the skin of your wrist even in 96 hours i.e. four days, then you can use this product on your face and neck. In this case, this product will be considered completely safe for your skin.

If you do not want to do patch test on the wrist, then do this test on the skin of the place of your hand which is often covered in clothes. So that if there is any kind of reaction during this patch test, then you do not have to face confusion or embarrassment.

Signs of not having a product suit

-If this new skin care product does not suit your skin, then at the place where you have done a patch test of this product, you may find some special symptoms at that place, such as ...

-Erritation of the skin

Reddening of the skin

- mild swelling

-Because of swelling, small bulge

-Being dry

- Increased dryness in skin and crust loss

What to do if you have problems?

If any of the symptoms mentioned here appear on your skin during a small test or patch test on the skin, then wash your skin immediately and use a good cleanser. Moisturize the skin immediately after washing and allow it to heal naturally.

-If you want to test patch of any other product too, try it on the skin of second hand or second wrist. Where there is a problem, do not apply any new product for at least the next 24 hours. Otherwise the problem may increase.